News & Updates
Stewards hosts Sea-Grant Pennsylvania webinar on Aquatic Invasive Species.
Sara Stahlman from Sea Grant Pennsylvania Webinar
Twin Lakes Resident completes certification course in Advanced Training: Storm Water Best Management Practices
Shohola PA – Kirk Mackey of Twin Lakes a Certified Master Watershed Steward has now completed a certification course for Advanced Training: Stormwater Best Management Practices.
Clean, Dry and Drain Campaign with New Signs to Elevate Awareness of Aquatic Hitch Hikers like Curly Leaf Pondweed.
New Signage going up around Twin Lakes to try to stop the introduction of more aquatic invasives plants like Curley Leaf Pondweed
Sea Grant Pennsylvania to hold Webinar on Aquatic Invastic Species and help Twin Lakes residents undersstand about issues like Curley Leaf Pondweed and how it occured and what we can do.
Sara Stahlman, Sea Grant Extension Leader will be giving a Twin Lakes Webinar on Aquatic Invasive Species.
Twin Lakes Residents Become Certified Master Watershed Stewards
Twin Lakes residents in Shohola PA have successfully completed the Master Watershed Stewards training, an extension multi-month program which includes 50 hours of volunteer work.
Stewards of Twin Lakes Receives Pocono Forest and Waters Conservation Landscape Mini Grant
Stewards of Twin Lakes, Inc. awarded $5,495 mini-grant for Twin Lakes Watershed Community Education and Pilot Remediation Program