Our Team
Stewards of Twin Lakes Leadership Team
John Galanti
Certified Master Watershed Steward
Sean Kemether
Certified Master Watershed Steward
Kirk Mackey
Certified Master Watershed Steward
Jeff McQuaid
Certified Master Watershed Steward
Stacey Smollen
Lake Member
Jim Vogt
Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward Advisor
Master Watershed Steward Program:
Stewards of Twin Lakes Team went through this program which provides extensive training in watershed management to volunteers who, in return, educate the community, like Twin Lakes, about watershed stewardship based on university research and recommendations. The team is available to consult with homeowners on how to make their property more watershed-friendly.
The Penn State Master Watershed Steward program was established to strengthen local capacity for management and protection of watersheds, streams, and rivers, by educating and empowering volunteers across the commonwealth.