Get Involved
Let’s Work Together to…
The purpose of Stewards of Twin Lakes and stewardship in general is educate everyone and to create the endorsement and support of the Twin Lakes Communities for everyone to work together as a single Twin Lakes Community to improve the Twin Lakes.
Over 10,000 years ago, glacier recession formed Twin lakes. For 10,000 year the lakes were pristine. In the last 100+ years, increased people around and on the lake as well as a lack of action by any one group to thwart the negative impact has helped to create the current issues like (1) aquatic invasive plants in the Small lake and now moving into the big lake, (2) reduced clarity in the lakes due to contamination like Runoff or Septic (3) increased algal blooms.
Help Promote lake and environmental stewardship
Leverage our resources which are provided for all the Twin Lakes residents, and Twin Lakes Property or Homeowners Associations, to learn what needs to be done, why, and what you as a property owner can do alone. With the Twin Lakes community we all can make a difference
Community Project: Stormwater Runoff
Sediment is the number one contaminant in Pennsylvania waterways. The picture shown here is from our Twin Lakes. Work with us to identify potential areas to address storm water runoff and help curtail the ongoing contamination to Twin Lakes which is adding sediment and nutrients. This promote algae growth and muck.
GET INVOLVED: We are looking for volunteers to work with us and help us identify problem areas around Twin Lakes, then to develop solutions and implement these plans.
Community Project: Rain Garden
A rain garden is a planted depression in the landscape that collects and allows rainwater runoff from hard surfaces to be absorbed. Rain gardens are planted with native plants, and include a soil media and mulch. Around Twin Lakes Rain gardens can be used to reduce home rooftop runoff or from impervious surfaces on residential property.
GET INVOLVED: We need to build rain gardens to help control Run Off from Twin Lakes Road. We need volunteers to work with us to identify potential Rain Garden Hot Spots and to construct rain gardens to:
Reduce Flooding and erosion
Pollution prevention
Groundwater recharge
Enhance wildlife habitat
Increase property values.
Community Project: Septic Awareness and Action
Septic systems, when properly designed, installed, operated and maintained, provide effective treatment of household sewage at a very reasonable cost. Unfortunately because the septic system is buried "out of sight" in the backyard, it often becomes "out of mind." Failing septic systems no matter how far you are from the Lake will contaminate the water table which becomes the lake or potentially the deeper aquifers and your well drinking water.
GET INVOLVED: Work with us to develop our Twin Lakes Neighborhood awareness to inspect our septic systems if we do not know their age, information about the drain fields or when they were last pumped out, and to make sure everyone is on a regular 3 year maximum pump out schedule
Community Project: Clean Drain and Dry your boats
Aquatic invasive species pose an ongoing threat to native species, the economy, recreation, and human health and safely. Many aquatic invasive species - including plants, fish, and mussels - can be accidentally transported when people go fishing and boating.
GET INVOLVED: (1) if you transport your boats, gear or equipment from another lake to Twin Lakes follow the Clean, Drain and Dry process. (2) If you are a boat launch area and see someone bringing a new boat onto the Lakes ask them if they have Cleaned their boat. “If you see something, say something”
Fundraising is vital for the success of non-profit 501(c)(3)’s like Stewards of Twin Lakes by helping to provide the financial support with and beyond grants. Financial support is needed to continue our work and make a positive impact on Twin Lakes. Without fundraising, we would have little to no revenue to fund our programs
Fundraising can help us:
Plan and budget effectively
Allow us to prioritize programs and projects we are planning as we continue to expand beyond our initial efforts and pilots around Storm Water Runoff, Septic and Education
Build relationships with the Twin Lakes donors, volunteers, and community members
Foster strong relationships with our fell Twin Lakes Residents
Reinforce our value to Twin Lakes for Additional Grants
Our success in Fundraising can help reinforce the value about our causes and educational programs that will benefit future grants from our partners like the Pike County Conservation District, Dept of Conservation of Natural Resources, Sea Grant Pennsylvania.clients and others
GET INVOLVED: Donate financially and with your time. Make a difference to the future of Twin Lakes